Monday 30 May 2016


My Birthday month coming up and for the first time in my life I just want to relax and reflect on my life so far; the choices i have made, the people i have let into my space, the relationships i have built and most importantly the life lessons that life has beaten into memory. I really wish someone had warned me about being an adult and having responsibilities and that no one will chase after you to eat breakfast, or change your career or pick your social friends wisely. I always thought it was all easy until I woke up smack in the thick of life and I was faced with so many daunting decisions that threatened to swallow me whole. 

The fear of the unknown is the one thing crippling us from achieving our life goals, but for me it has always been the fear of success, what then would be the next step? I dedicate my birthday month to thinking of my next step in life, my next project, my next move. I love the skin I am in right now. I am one with the thoughts that swarm my mind in this very moment. I know what needs to be done next. And if i fail and falter, I will rise yet another day and conquer. 

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Plans and Projects of 2016

 'It is only after you have chased after things without names and ran from demons with familiar faces that you appreciate the true value and abundance life has to offer. One day in the entirety of your lifetime, to make a change, to pursue only what makes your heart sing, to not fear the unknown, to create something with a name, to revel in every second of the day, to just be.'

A toast: to swallow life one bite at a time, to chase after what loves me, to not worry about what people will say and finally to embrace and learn from failure.

Tuesday 3 May 2016


 I have been to the deepest darkest corners of the world, I have fought faceless demons that threatened to strip me of my soul, but I'm here today ready to tell my story. Ia m ready to begin the healing process, welcome to my #HappinessProject

"Tell your story until the broken pieces begin to heal
Tell your story until you can muster the will power to wake up and survive until sunset
Tell your story until you don't have to bandage your scars
in a shameful attempt to soothe your shredded ego
Tell your story and shout it out to the rest of the world
Tell your story until you can taste sounds and find solace in writing poetry
Tell your story until the scars begin to heal"

~~~~ Maipelo M Zambane