Thursday 12 November 2015

Learning to love again

My heart perfectly safe in my hand 
Tight fist 
Afraid to fall again 
To feel again 
I'm loving myself into vulnerability 
After I forgive myself for falling for broken dreams and unspoken feelings 
~ M M Zambane 

Thursday 24 September 2015

Pieces of my Soul

........STILL I RISE!

Well I know it has been a while but life took a few knocks and for many days at a time I just couldn't get up and move on. The blows were hard hitting and unrelenting, on some days I could get up and try face the world with a smile but they were days I simply couldn't get off the ground. Or muster a smile or take calls.

Anyway, I'm here to tell you that I have swam all the corners of the deepest darkest alleys in life and yet still I rose. I have fought a very long and hard battle ( it's not over yet) but I'm finally coming out of my shell. I have collected enough bits and pieces of my soul, everyday I weave them together with delicate songs and food, nourishing my body to rise again and conquer the world.

I now know true happiness and love lives here in this once empty heart of mine. From the ashes I rose and redesigned my destiny with a single step into the unknown. I have been writing more and taking care of my health and interacting with other human beings. I have found my life purpose. and if tomorrow life dares to try and knock me down I will not stumble nor fall, I will get up and rise once again.

Monday 27 April 2015

Keep on Dreaming :)

No matter how small or insignificant you consider your dream to be, don’t stop making strides to achieving it. The principle of success doesn't depend on the size of the dream but the persistence and passion to see it though. 

Someday you feel like just giving up, things are not going to plan, you are failing to articulate your dream or you can but no one is budging. These are the daily frustration of anyone bold enough to start a business or chase a new dream. We are only human, we are bound to feel like giving up when it seems the universe isn't conspiring to making our dreams a reality. What was that about positive thoughts yielding positive results or something of that sort? Well, eventually it does and can I just say, when things start working out, there is no greater joy or overwhelming sense of achievement. 

So, when you are down and you want to stop uttering positive thoughts to the universe ask yourself, How far are you willing to go? How will you make your mark in the world? What will you are remembered for? Keep on dreaming. 

Thursday 23 April 2015

The Importance of Networking

Fired up 

There is no greater feeling than when everything just seems to fall into place; all those years spent toiling away even when all you wanted to do was give up, will eventually pay off. 

It might not be tomorrow, next year or even ten years from now, but when the train of change comes your life will begin to take a fantastic and truly magnificent turn for the better.  You will meet people that believe in you and your dream, people that will push you towards your goals, people that will genuinely pray and invest in your success; be it with time, money or  wise counsel.

I recently attended a powerful networking event at Sky Lounge organized by Molaya Kgosi in partnership with BeMobile and it was there that I had my epiphany. In that moment I knew what I had to do, and sadly I realized the sacrifices and habits I had to forgo in order to achieve my dreams.  In the end it will be worth it.

Register for the next networking event( see flyer for more details), i look forward to having a chat with some of you.  

Tuesday 7 April 2015


I have let procrastination imprison my colorful dreams and aspirations for far too long so this month I declare my freedom.  
Freedom to chase after my dreams,
Freedom to love wholly
And the freedom of not conforming to societal expectations.

Welcome to my transition. 

Monday 6 April 2015

Arts in Botswana

 Well, it has been a while since I posted something but I was on a path to re discovering my life purpose and reviving my dreams. I must say it feels damn good. A close Friend and mentor (Mmakgosi) was performing at the Project Tunes and Tales alongside other talented local artists and I must say it was an enchanting experience.

This event proved to be a great platform for local artists to showcase their talents and they all brought their A game to the stage. It is inspiring to see the growth and potential of the arts and culture industry in Botswana. 

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Fear Naught

Sometimes the burdens of everyday life catch up to us and we become miserable but there is no point wallowing in misery and self doubt, that’s a toxic and never ending cycle. The world has so much to offer, dry up your tears and open your heat to receive all of life’s blessings. Opportunities will multiply once you position yourself to receive them. Let go of the hurt. Associate with positive minded people.  Always be prepared for your take off. Forgive yourself, let go of doubts and live your life to the fullest. Invest in yourself. Seize every waking opportunity to network. Go on, live a little 

Friday 13 February 2015

Absorbing Knowledge

-          Be cautious of the information that you consume on a daily basis. Does it grow or enrich you? Does it inspire you to do great things? To actualize your dreams? The great thing is we live in the era of the internet and access to information is affordable. Let go and indulge 

Friday 6 February 2015

Bridges of life

for when the time comes
I will slowly glide over them
Leaving a bright clean spot
Never burn your proverbial bridges 
Just slide on 
And when you are done

Do smile" 

I wrote this for myself two years ago(2013) after a dismal fall out with a work colleague. I then swallowed my pride and tried to salvage the relationship but eventually realized i was fighting a losing battle. This was the first hardest yet most memorable lesson i have come t o understand.
I am thankful for such hard lessons in my life :)  

Monday 2 February 2015

Letter to a friend

Hello friend, I just want to let you know that what you are going through right now is sad but it’s also teaching you many valuable lessons. Take this heartbreak as a challenge, concur it and don’t let petty issues get in the way of your success.  You are being blessed with endless opportunities because you have positioned yourself to be great. The universe is conspiring to making all your dreams become a reality. Keep focusing on yourself and your art. Spiritual, personal and professional growth will see you through the many trenches you will face in life. Be ready to take on any challenge and all shall be well. Don’t give up or give in. your time is near. Trust.  Keep praying for strength and clarity of mind. All shall be revealed soon. 

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Today I woke up inspired and so I decided to share with you all. Today I chose curiosity; it drives me past all fear and makes me want to achieve all my dreams. Curiosity fuels my passion and never allows me to wallow or lose faith in all my dreams. Sure, there is nothing more frightening than stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new but what if life if not a series of risks and rewards.

This year I want to add new skills to my life cart and I came across this truly remarkable quote by Albert Einstein “I have no special talents.  I’m only passionately curious”.  Be curious and bold enough to achieve all your dreams J

Monday 5 January 2015

Well, hello there lovely creatures of the earth.  Please note that his being my first ever Blog post i'm sure the next three ones will just be as painful to read or follow. Words and Sight will be documenting my love for words and all the things I consider extraordinarily beautiful . Happy New Year ;)