Friday 22 January 2016

The Transformation

I wrote this on the 19th of December 2015. I was going through a very rough patch in my life but I managed to pull through by writing daily positive affirmations and working tirelessly on achieving my dreams. 2016 is my year of achievements! 

Every worry 
Every frustration and anger 
Every fear 
Every tear 
I embrace as a learning curve
I appreciate such emotions for in the end they don't make me weak but thy make me a victor 
I carry my own burdens for I know that only I have control 
I have a choice between wallowing in self pity or rejoicing in my renewed strength and every waking day I will choose to rejoice 
I will celebrate my health and my family 
My friends that keep me sane and my God that never fails me 
Today I will rejoice for my spirit is finally free of worry and worldly burdens 
Today I flip over a new chapter 

Monday 11 January 2016

My Art

Here is a little something I wrote to mark the journey of coming out of my shell and finally sharing and submitting my work. 2016 is the year of many wonders. 

My art is discovering itself 
Slowly rising from the ashes of nothingness 
My art roars with the fever of a creature that yearns to be heard 
Caressed with youthful abandon 
My art is strong like our foremothers who fought silent wars behind closed doors

My art is born to stand out 
And yet the spirit of perfection is keeping me from launching 
The constant what if's and what then?

What if I am not good enough, what will people say, what if they don't like it, worse yet, what if they do like it and I my well of creativity dries up 
On some days that is why my art prefers to stay hidden. 

And yet on some great days my art threatens to burst out of the shell I carefully crafted 
It yearns to be caressed by a thousand golden kisses and celebrated eternally 
It yearns to be mounted on the walls of galleries for the world to see 
It yearn to be sung and praised by men and women alike 
It yearns to be studied and dissected by students in crowded corridors 

My Art lives within my soul
Nurtured and nourished from infancy 
I feed my art with words and pictures and feelings unsaid 

Greatness is my destiny 
Art is my life
Everyday is a chance to learn, grow and express 
My art on paper
 shy to come out and spray the masses with her potency 
My art is my voice scribbled on paper yet whispered to my peers 
My art is my art and one day I can't wait for you guys to hear me roar 

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Goodbye 2015, hello 2016

Life lessons of 2015

Well this past year was one of many lessons that I shall carry with me to 2016.  The aim is to learn more. Read more. Write more. Explore more. Basically live my life but quadruple the fun. 

1. Forgive only after you have learnt the lesson and only then can you entirely heal 
2. Caucus with like minded positive spirited people who invest time and energy into your dreams 
3. Appreciate the power of your networks and always stay in touch 
4. Learn to leverage your relationships 
5. Invest in your personal development, be spiritually enriched, fill your soul with love and light and expand your mind with meaningful literature 

6. Friendships will come and go choose the people that still stick around with you in your darkness 
7. Be humble all the time. 
8. Prayer works wonders 
9. Practice the masterful craft of self discipline. Sacrifice and forfit the elegant life pleasures for the rewarding and eternal life goals. In other words build something your future offspring will thank you for 
10. Family. First. All the time. "you don't give up on family even when they do"