Wednesday 21 December 2016


It is a pleasure to bring you part Two of the #LifeLessons of 2016:

1.       Ambition is a fickle lover that needs constant attention, love, nourishing and nurturing every single day.

2.       Give pieces of your heart even if you don’t get them back or they come back swollen and sore, your heart eventually learns to heal.

3.       In business as in life, choose a partner that will love unconditionally, shout occasionally, respect immeasurably and believe and breathe the vision indefinitely  

4.       Find a recipe that will help you fight your life demons; ice cream, staying off social media, reading and writing work wonders for me

5.       God’s favour is always ready for you to activate it; Listen attentively, plead for  His presence in your life and receive all the blessings 

6.       Always dare yourself to leave the pockets of comfort you have moulded your life into. Stray from the path, travel to new places, learn something new and always be grateful for another day on earth. 

7.       Life literally and figuratively gets easier when you share your life story with loved ones, family, friends, and even total strangers.

8.       Concentrate all your energy and resources into building you and your Brand. Find out what you want to do in life (no matter how long the journey takes) and pursue it with all your heart.

9.       There will be people who come into your life to teach you a lesson, acknowledge them, appreciate the lesson and archive the memories

10.   Make time to pamper yourself. Reward yourself for being so awesome 

Monday 19 December 2016


This year i have decided to share a huge chunk of my life-story previously reserved for close friends, family and my trusted journal. So here are the 2016 #lifelesson, in no particular order:

  1. Naivety is costly 
  2. Family is life 
  3. Procrastination v.s Patience 
  4. There is power in collaborations 
  5. Strong people also face personal demons 
  6. Be selfish, with your time, talents and love 
  7. Invest in your personal growth and development 
  8. Surround yourself with people that elevate you 
  9. Writing is therapy for the soul 
  10. If Disease doesn't kill you, your pride certainly will 

Friday 16 December 2016

Hold On

'Let hope come and whisper into your ear
Let faith guide you from the darkness to light
Let the trumpets of God’s favour bring life into your cheeks
Let the winds of change blow away your hurt, anger and resentment,
Let me love your pain into submission'. 
- July,2016 

Monday 12 December 2016

Monday 3 October 2016



'Let hope come and whisper into your ear
Let faith guide you from the darkness to light
Let the trumpets of God’s favour bring life into your cheeks
Let the winds of change blow away your hurt, anger and resentment,
Let me love your pain into submission'

Friday 30 September 2016



I hope you are well and
Your train of thought is untainted
Just a little reminder that today might be a burden
Heavy lad with procrastination and self doubt
Dreams seem futile and everything is a failure
But the beauty of life is that one can get up and try again
Rise, go forth and seek your promised success
Safeguard your sanity. 

Wednesday 28 September 2016



Thank you for paying me a visit
I am learning to heal
Thank you for covering the nakedness of my soul
-broken from dancing in the darkness for too long
Thank you for coming to my rescue 
I am beginning to taste life again

Friday 16 September 2016

The call

Come forth, all broken souls
Let my love cloak your nakedness
and breathe fire into your brittle bones
For I know what it is like
to ache for love
carrying pieces of a broken soul.

Friday 19 August 2016

Chasing Dreams

What happened to the big eyed little girl who believed in the power of her dreams.
Suckling on her thumb and sharing her dreams of the future with anyone who would listen
"A doctor-Dj you say?"  And they would erupt into mocking laughter

But that wasn't the only dream the little girl had. She wanted to write, save lives, drive fast cars, and entertain people for a living. I loved that little girl.  She never stopped dreaming dreams bigger than reality.
It took me a while to reconnect with that little girl. I'm consumed by the fire to succeed.  To get all my plans off the ground. To just know that I'm enough. To break out of the shell that I have buried myself and my dreams in. It's time to revive and liberate  my dreams.

Monday 25 July 2016

Surviving Life

Often we face challenges in life that cripple us and strip us of our humanity. We cease to show affection and close up our hearts to love.  It seems impossible to share our experiences, for how could anyone understand the hurt, pain, anger and anxiety you carry everyday.

It's a daily battle and the aim is take life one salty bite at a time.  Learn from your mistakes and come out stronger and more focused.

Never in my life have I wanted to succeed this badly. I have been through a lot for someone my age and I'm don't sitting and mopping around. No more pity parties. No more talking and not doing. I had a soul reviving epiphany and it's time I broke out of my  shelf and activated my greatness.

Thursday 21 July 2016

Be careful of my heart

' Be careful of the people that take from you even when they see you have nothing
be wary of someone who promises kisses, loyalty and sunflowers 
but only delivers specks of fairy dust and colourful bullshit. 

Be careful of people that don't listen to your heart breaking 
the way your smiles wane when they will you once again to do something for them 
when was the last time they asked, friend, what can I do for you? 

Be wary of people that will witness your suffering and only offer 'aww shem' as a cushion to your plight 
surely you dont need the company of such people in your life
these are the bad fruits your mother warned you about' 


Friday 15 July 2016

A year of Firsts

The second half to 2016 is certainly primed to be the year of firsts
The first time I decided to liberate my voice and record a jingle
The first time I set up my profile and accepted my awesomeness
The first time I stopped apologizing for my demons and became a victor
The first time I stopped worrying about other people’s opinions
And just shined,
I learnt to stop apologizing for my awesomeness
(and I learnt that I love using the word awesome a bit too much)

The first time I admitted my problems to myself
And sought ways of solving them
The first time I liberated my writing and wrote articles for blogs
The first time I stepped up and accepted duty as part of an organizing committee
The first time I set up a literacy program that would give back to the community

I just needed to trust in my faith, my talents
 and pray for God to unravel all his plans for me
I’m ready to receive the abundant blessings he has in store for me
I am ready to conquer the world
One day at a time
One dream at a time
 one prayer at a time .

The start of greatness 

Tuesday 7 June 2016

The Gift

I am learning that perhaps the greatest gift to mankind is desperation. The good kind of desperation ( yes, there is the dark and ugly kind) the one that makes you reassess your life plans, your business relations and the friends that you surround yourself with. I have cradled this kind of desperation that softly begs for attention and nags at your soul and if you don't feed it with positivity, passion and love it may just cripple you.

In life there comes a time when you need to acknowledge your level of desperation, be it for great health, wealth, or friends and family that value loyalty. Be desperate to be the change your life needs.

Monday 30 May 2016


My Birthday month coming up and for the first time in my life I just want to relax and reflect on my life so far; the choices i have made, the people i have let into my space, the relationships i have built and most importantly the life lessons that life has beaten into memory. I really wish someone had warned me about being an adult and having responsibilities and that no one will chase after you to eat breakfast, or change your career or pick your social friends wisely. I always thought it was all easy until I woke up smack in the thick of life and I was faced with so many daunting decisions that threatened to swallow me whole. 

The fear of the unknown is the one thing crippling us from achieving our life goals, but for me it has always been the fear of success, what then would be the next step? I dedicate my birthday month to thinking of my next step in life, my next project, my next move. I love the skin I am in right now. I am one with the thoughts that swarm my mind in this very moment. I know what needs to be done next. And if i fail and falter, I will rise yet another day and conquer. 

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Plans and Projects of 2016

 'It is only after you have chased after things without names and ran from demons with familiar faces that you appreciate the true value and abundance life has to offer. One day in the entirety of your lifetime, to make a change, to pursue only what makes your heart sing, to not fear the unknown, to create something with a name, to revel in every second of the day, to just be.'

A toast: to swallow life one bite at a time, to chase after what loves me, to not worry about what people will say and finally to embrace and learn from failure.

Tuesday 3 May 2016


 I have been to the deepest darkest corners of the world, I have fought faceless demons that threatened to strip me of my soul, but I'm here today ready to tell my story. Ia m ready to begin the healing process, welcome to my #HappinessProject

"Tell your story until the broken pieces begin to heal
Tell your story until you can muster the will power to wake up and survive until sunset
Tell your story until you don't have to bandage your scars
in a shameful attempt to soothe your shredded ego
Tell your story and shout it out to the rest of the world
Tell your story until you can taste sounds and find solace in writing poetry
Tell your story until the scars begin to heal"

~~~~ Maipelo M Zambane

Friday 22 January 2016

The Transformation

I wrote this on the 19th of December 2015. I was going through a very rough patch in my life but I managed to pull through by writing daily positive affirmations and working tirelessly on achieving my dreams. 2016 is my year of achievements! 

Every worry 
Every frustration and anger 
Every fear 
Every tear 
I embrace as a learning curve
I appreciate such emotions for in the end they don't make me weak but thy make me a victor 
I carry my own burdens for I know that only I have control 
I have a choice between wallowing in self pity or rejoicing in my renewed strength and every waking day I will choose to rejoice 
I will celebrate my health and my family 
My friends that keep me sane and my God that never fails me 
Today I will rejoice for my spirit is finally free of worry and worldly burdens 
Today I flip over a new chapter 

Monday 11 January 2016

My Art

Here is a little something I wrote to mark the journey of coming out of my shell and finally sharing and submitting my work. 2016 is the year of many wonders. 

My art is discovering itself 
Slowly rising from the ashes of nothingness 
My art roars with the fever of a creature that yearns to be heard 
Caressed with youthful abandon 
My art is strong like our foremothers who fought silent wars behind closed doors

My art is born to stand out 
And yet the spirit of perfection is keeping me from launching 
The constant what if's and what then?

What if I am not good enough, what will people say, what if they don't like it, worse yet, what if they do like it and I my well of creativity dries up 
On some days that is why my art prefers to stay hidden. 

And yet on some great days my art threatens to burst out of the shell I carefully crafted 
It yearns to be caressed by a thousand golden kisses and celebrated eternally 
It yearns to be mounted on the walls of galleries for the world to see 
It yearn to be sung and praised by men and women alike 
It yearns to be studied and dissected by students in crowded corridors 

My Art lives within my soul
Nurtured and nourished from infancy 
I feed my art with words and pictures and feelings unsaid 

Greatness is my destiny 
Art is my life
Everyday is a chance to learn, grow and express 
My art on paper
 shy to come out and spray the masses with her potency 
My art is my voice scribbled on paper yet whispered to my peers 
My art is my art and one day I can't wait for you guys to hear me roar 

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Goodbye 2015, hello 2016

Life lessons of 2015

Well this past year was one of many lessons that I shall carry with me to 2016.  The aim is to learn more. Read more. Write more. Explore more. Basically live my life but quadruple the fun. 

1. Forgive only after you have learnt the lesson and only then can you entirely heal 
2. Caucus with like minded positive spirited people who invest time and energy into your dreams 
3. Appreciate the power of your networks and always stay in touch 
4. Learn to leverage your relationships 
5. Invest in your personal development, be spiritually enriched, fill your soul with love and light and expand your mind with meaningful literature 

6. Friendships will come and go choose the people that still stick around with you in your darkness 
7. Be humble all the time. 
8. Prayer works wonders 
9. Practice the masterful craft of self discipline. Sacrifice and forfit the elegant life pleasures for the rewarding and eternal life goals. In other words build something your future offspring will thank you for 
10. Family. First. All the time. "you don't give up on family even when they do"