Friday 30 September 2016



I hope you are well and
Your train of thought is untainted
Just a little reminder that today might be a burden
Heavy lad with procrastination and self doubt
Dreams seem futile and everything is a failure
But the beauty of life is that one can get up and try again
Rise, go forth and seek your promised success
Safeguard your sanity. 

Wednesday 28 September 2016



Thank you for paying me a visit
I am learning to heal
Thank you for covering the nakedness of my soul
-broken from dancing in the darkness for too long
Thank you for coming to my rescue 
I am beginning to taste life again

Friday 16 September 2016

The call

Come forth, all broken souls
Let my love cloak your nakedness
and breathe fire into your brittle bones
For I know what it is like
to ache for love
carrying pieces of a broken soul.