Monday 25 July 2016

Surviving Life

Often we face challenges in life that cripple us and strip us of our humanity. We cease to show affection and close up our hearts to love.  It seems impossible to share our experiences, for how could anyone understand the hurt, pain, anger and anxiety you carry everyday.

It's a daily battle and the aim is take life one salty bite at a time.  Learn from your mistakes and come out stronger and more focused.

Never in my life have I wanted to succeed this badly. I have been through a lot for someone my age and I'm don't sitting and mopping around. No more pity parties. No more talking and not doing. I had a soul reviving epiphany and it's time I broke out of my  shelf and activated my greatness.

Thursday 21 July 2016

Be careful of my heart

' Be careful of the people that take from you even when they see you have nothing
be wary of someone who promises kisses, loyalty and sunflowers 
but only delivers specks of fairy dust and colourful bullshit. 

Be careful of people that don't listen to your heart breaking 
the way your smiles wane when they will you once again to do something for them 
when was the last time they asked, friend, what can I do for you? 

Be wary of people that will witness your suffering and only offer 'aww shem' as a cushion to your plight 
surely you dont need the company of such people in your life
these are the bad fruits your mother warned you about' 


Friday 15 July 2016

A year of Firsts

The second half to 2016 is certainly primed to be the year of firsts
The first time I decided to liberate my voice and record a jingle
The first time I set up my profile and accepted my awesomeness
The first time I stopped apologizing for my demons and became a victor
The first time I stopped worrying about other people’s opinions
And just shined,
I learnt to stop apologizing for my awesomeness
(and I learnt that I love using the word awesome a bit too much)

The first time I admitted my problems to myself
And sought ways of solving them
The first time I liberated my writing and wrote articles for blogs
The first time I stepped up and accepted duty as part of an organizing committee
The first time I set up a literacy program that would give back to the community

I just needed to trust in my faith, my talents
 and pray for God to unravel all his plans for me
I’m ready to receive the abundant blessings he has in store for me
I am ready to conquer the world
One day at a time
One dream at a time
 one prayer at a time .

The start of greatness