Monday 27 April 2015

Keep on Dreaming :)

No matter how small or insignificant you consider your dream to be, don’t stop making strides to achieving it. The principle of success doesn't depend on the size of the dream but the persistence and passion to see it though. 

Someday you feel like just giving up, things are not going to plan, you are failing to articulate your dream or you can but no one is budging. These are the daily frustration of anyone bold enough to start a business or chase a new dream. We are only human, we are bound to feel like giving up when it seems the universe isn't conspiring to making our dreams a reality. What was that about positive thoughts yielding positive results or something of that sort? Well, eventually it does and can I just say, when things start working out, there is no greater joy or overwhelming sense of achievement. 

So, when you are down and you want to stop uttering positive thoughts to the universe ask yourself, How far are you willing to go? How will you make your mark in the world? What will you are remembered for? Keep on dreaming. 

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